Do you believe migraines are just about headaches and searing pain? If you attempt to learn about some of the initial signs of migraine you could be shocked out of your wits. This is because the signs are not easy to pinpoint and can occur 24-hour’s before the headache develops. Some of the signs you develop could make you believe you are suffering from migraine jaw pain leading you to classify the discomfort as teeth grinding migraine.
If you want to soothe fears in your mind and perhaps educate people about the symptoms of a migraine it is suggested that you continue reading this article and dispel the doubts about any stigma faced by migraine sufferers before your head begins to hurt.
Would it surprise you if told that migraines usually begin in childhood, early adulthood, or adolescence before progressing through four different stages? The stages are prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome. Anyone suffering from a migraine does not go through all the stages mentioned.
The symptoms associated with either of the stages are mentioned below for your reference:
A couple of days before a migraine you may notice subtle changes warning you of an impending migraine. The changes are mood fluctuations ranging from depression to euphoria, neck stiffness, persistent yawning, thirst, and the need to urinate frequently, and constipation and food cravings (sounds unrelated to a migraine, doesn’t it?).
This stage can occur before or when having the migraines. This is a reversible symptom of the nervous system and is usually visual but may also include disturbances of other types. The symptoms begin gradually and buildup over several minutes to last for approximately 20 minutes to one hour. Some examples of an aura may include:
Untreated migraines can last from four hours to 3 days. How often you may suffer from a migraine will differ from every individual. This problem may occur rarely or affect you several times a month. During a migraine attack you may have:
You will feel drained, washed out, and confused for nearly 24 hours during the postdrome stage. You may also feel elated after the migraine but some movement of the head may expose you to the pain briefly again.
The symptoms described could make you believe you are suffering from a problem unrelated to your head and may even confuse you into wondering which medical professional should be contacted for a remedy considering the initial signs of a migraine. A problem of constipation will send you to the pharmacy looking for laxatives and thirst will only encourage you to drink more water or other beverages to quench the requirement. Unfortunately, you would never think about a migraine that would be slowly but gradually making its presence felt with the signs that are usually not distinguished.
Having information about the initial signs does not make you an expert on this subject unless you have been keeping a track of the attacks and the treatments you used to manage them. Therefore if you are persistently plagued by the signs and symptoms it is suggested that you book an appointment with Chaparral Valley Dental to discuss whether it is a problem with migraines.
As mentioned earlier if the problems are persistently haunting you it would be a good idea to visit the dental facility suggested for a remedy. Most migraines are left untreated or undiagnosed by people despite treatments being necessary. You should be seeing the professional even if you have a history of headaches or your headaches feel different every time they occur. Some symptoms need attention from a doctor promptly or even the emergency room because they may be indicating a concerning problem. The symptoms can be in the form of:
The precise causes for migraines haven’t been understood by the medical fraternity and have been attributed to genetics and environmental factors. Therefore, the better option would be to contact a medical professional with your symptoms as and when you are affected by them.