Did you know that dental complications such as tooth decay, oral infections, and gum disease are actually completely preventable? At Chaparral Valley Dental we believe that providing preventive dentistry is an essential part of providing the best dental care for our entire community. We recommend that each of our patients receive routine dental cleanings in Calgary at least twice a year (every 6 months) to reduce their risk of decay, infection and even disease. Haven’t visited your dentist for a routine checkup in Calgary in a while? Schedule an appointment with Chaparral Valley Dental today!
During your visit, your dentist will thoroughly examine your smile, gums, tongue, lips and overall oral health, looking for any signs of complications such as tooth decay, cavities, infections, gum disease, and even oral cancer. When it comes to treating dental issues, the earlier the better!
If we notice any risk factors or signs of a dental issue, your dentist will take the time to discuss our findings along with explaining any recommended treatment options. If our patients have any additional questions regarding their dental condition, suggested treatments or anything else, we take the time to thoroughly explain everything. We believe that patient education is an essential part of allowing our patients to make an informed decision about their oral health and dental care.
When it comes to protecting smiles and preventing dental issues, our dental exams in Calgary, AB have various benefits including that they:
When was the last time you visited a dentist in Calgary, AB? If it has been longer than 6 months, contact Chaparral Valley Dental today to schedule an appointment!