Home Remedies for Treatment of Periodontal Infection

Home Remedies for Treatment of Periodontal Infection

Apr 01, 2020

Periodontal infection or gum disease is an infection of the gums which damages your gums and destroys the jawbone. You can effectively treat gingivitis at a cheaper cost using some home remedies. It’s important to address the plaque before it grows into tartar. It is also recommended to brush and floss for an extended time frequently.

Home remedies have natural ingredients. You should start using them for gum disease treatment if you notice the following signs:

  • Shifting or loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Gums which bleed during and after the teeth brushing process
  • Persistent mouth odor
  • Sockets between the teeth and mouth

The below home remedies are safe to use. Do not swallow the mixtures and ensure you get the approval of your dentist first before proceeding with the treatments.

Salt Water

A 2016 study revealed that rinsing your mouth using salt water aids in the healing of gums that have been inflamed by periodontal infection. Salt being a natural disinfectant helps in the body’s self-healing process. The water also eliminates bad breath, removes food particles, reduces bacteria, helps ease pain, and soothes inflamed gums.

Directions for Use

  • Add one salt teaspoon to a glass of water then mix well.
  • Swish this solution in the mouth for 30 seconds.
  • Spit it out.
  • Do this at least two times a day.

You should note that continued use of saltwater can damage your enamel and even erode your teeth owing to the acidic properties of salt.

Lemongrass Oil Mouthwash

A 2015 study established that lemongrass is more effective at reducing gingivitis and plaque levels than the traditional chlorhexidine.

Directions for Use

  • Put 3 lemongrass oil droplets into a cup containing water.
  • Swish the resulting solution in the mouth for about 30 seconds.
  • Spit it out.
  • Do this at least twice a day.

Although your safety is guaranteed, it can be very potent. Ensure you begin with a mixture that is highly diluted to avoid further irritation.

Aloe Vera Mouthwash

Aloe Vera’s effectiveness in reducing gingivitis and plaque can be compared to that of chlorhexidine. This mouthwash requires no dilution, and you are asked to ensure it is 100% pure.

Directions for Use

  • Swish that juice in the mouth.
  • Spit it out.
  • Do this thrice a day.

Ensure the source from which you purchase aloe Vera is a reputable one. Follow all the label instructions. To those to whom aloe Vera is an allergen, there are other options to consider.

Mouthwash from Tea Tree oil

A 2014 study reveals the ability of this mouthwash to reduce gum disease.

Directions for Use

  • Into a cup of lukewarm water, add 3 tea tree oil droplets.
  • Swish the solution in the mouth.
  • Spit it out.
  • Repeat thrice daily.

While you brush your teeth, you may want to add a droplet or two of this mouthwash. For first-timers, use highly diluted amounts because high concentrations are capable of causing rashes, allergic reactions, and mild burning.

Coconut oil pulling

The oil pulling technique involves you swishing oil in the mouth for at least 20 minutes to generally improve your oral health, eliminate toxins, and reduce bacteria that may be harmful.

Lauric acid, a coconut oil component, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using coconut oil, therefore, reduces gingivitis and plaque. Coconut oil pulling also whitens your teeth, freshens your breath, clears sinuses and relieves tension and headaches.

Directions for Use

  • Place 2 teaspoons in your mouth.
  • Swish the coconut oil around the mouth for 30 minutes. You should make sure the oil doesn’t touch the backside of the throat.
  • Spit out the oil.
  • Use water to rinse the mouth.
  • Spit out the water.
  • Drink a glassful of water.
  • Brush teeth.

It’s safe to use provided you don’t swallow the oil because of its contents – bacteria and toxins pulled from mouth tissues.

Clove Application

Many studies suggest that cloves can prevent plaque and even reduce inflammation. This is because of their antioxidant and antiviral properties. Their pain-relieving ability is an added advantage.

Directions for Use

  • Mince one teaspoon of clove.
  • In the minced cloves, dip a cotton ball that is damp.
  • Rub the now clove-covered ball on your gums.
  • Leave the cloves on the gums for a minute.
  • Swish water in your mouth and collect the cloves.
  • Spit out your mouth contents.

The earlier you begin treating gingivitis, the better for you. If the situation gets severe, our dentists at Chaparral Valley Dental are here for you. We offer general dentistry services to clients of all ages. Get in touch and book an appointment.

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